Enter Into Our World Network
with Arke Ministries for the purpose of spreading the Gospel to all the

Prayer Essential To life
Here is a prayer that all of us can make whether we have
believed for a long time or we have not yet believed.
Dear heavenly Father I
come in the name of Jesus Christ your only Son
My life is not
what it should be and I come in repentence for all that is not right in
my life
I look to your
loving mercy to touch my life right now
I need your help
to change me, I need your help to heal me.
Search out my
heart and reveal the hidden sin that lies buried in my life
All that rebellion
and unforegiveness that is destroying me
Change me Lord,
change me Lord, change me Lord.
Make me to know
your love, and to feel your love
Make me to love
like you love.
Show me how to
worship you in pure worship.
Teach me to walk
in your steps
I come against you
Satan in the almighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I cast you out of
my life
I ask Lord to be
filled with the Holy Spirit
So that I can walk
in obedience, love, faith and hope.
I plead Lord in
the precious blood of Jesus Christ for my whole family and my
that they all may know your salvation.
Cause them all to
seek from the bottom of their hearts to serve you all their days.
I pray for the
government in my country to come to you to learn how to govern in
For when
righteouness flows in the nation there will be no poor or needy
For all will be
cared for as though they were family.
Amen, Amen Amen.

Janet and John Brumby
Arke Ministries Com
Arke Ministries Org
Copyright Arke Ministries Fellowship International